Pursuant to subsection 5.9(2) of the Aeronautics Act, and after having taken into account that the exemption is both in the public interest and is not likely to affect aviation safety, I hereby exempt Canadian air operators of single-engined DeHavilland DHC3T aeroplanes from the requirement set out in paragraph 703.24(a) of the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs).

Paragraph 703.24(a) of the CARs states that no air operator shall operate a single-engined aircraft with more than nine passengers on board unless the aircraft is a transport category helicopter.


The purpose of this exemption is to permit Canadian air operators of single-engined DeHavilland DHC3T aeroplanes to operate those aircraft with more than nine passengers on board.


This exemption applies only to Canadian air operators of single-engined DeHavilland DHC3T aeroplanes and permits them to operate these aircraft with more than nine passengers on board.


This exemption shall be subject to the following conditions:

  1. The operator shall not exceed the maximum number of passengers authorized in the Type Certificate or the Supplemental Type Certificate for the conversion.
  2. The pilot-in-command shall have a minimum of 1000 hours of flight time as pilot‑in‑command, including at least 500 hours as pilot-in-command of float planes if the aircraft is operated as a float plane, and a total of 50 hours flight time as pilot-in-command on the DHC3T aeroplane.
  3. The pilot-in-command shall have successfully completed a Pilot Proficiency Check (PPC) conducted according to Schedule II of the Commercial Air Service Standard (CASS)  724.108, as applicable to a single-engined aeroplane, under Day Visual Flight Rules (VFR).
  4. The pilot-in-command shall have received training according to the CASS 724.115, in all areas applicable to the operation of a single‑engined aeroplane, under Day VFR.
  5. The Standards for Flight Time and Flight Duty Time Limitations and Rest Periods shall be as they apply to operations under theCARs,(Part VII, Subpart 4 - Commuter Operations).


This exemption comes into effect on May 1, 2006 at 00:01 EST, until the earliest of:

  1. the date on which an amendment to Section 703.24 of the CARs and Section 723A.24 of the CASS comes into force;
  2. the date on which any of the conditions set out in this exemption is breached;
  3. the date on which this exemption is cancelled in writing by the Minister, where he is of the opinion it is no longer in the public interest or it is likely to have an adverse effect on aviation safety.


Dated at Ottawa, Ontario, Canada this 14th day of March, 2006, on behalf of the Minister of Transport.

Original signed by: Merlin Preuss

Merlin Preuss
Director General
Civil Aviation

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